
I work with charities and funders to add capacity and insight into their work. I have a track record of successfully catalysing new projects, partnerships and funding streams, and have particular expertise on refugee and migration issues.

The services I offer are:

Strategic review


I help charities and funders to review their work, and develop new strategies, theories of change and business plans.

In practice this usually involves a scoping of the context and vision behind the work; interviews and/or workshops with clients, staff, trustees and other stakeholders; and production of high-quality reports which detail practical recommendations for the future. I support organisations to share the results of this work with trustee boards, staff teams, funders and wider networks.

Research and project development


I research and develop new projects, help organisations to form partnerships and networks, and guide funding streams.

New initiatives usually emerge out of a scoping period involving interviews and internal strategy development. I am experienced at collaborating with existing staff teams whilst adding capacity, insight and contacts. I often help to unlock additional financial resource where needed.

Evaluations and learning partnerships


I help organisations to evaluate the results of their work, and nurture strategic and reflective thinking .

Drawing on over a decade of conducting external evaluations, I work with charities and funders to produce accessible evaluation frameworks, conduct formative and/or summative evaluations of projects or programmes, and act as a learning partner where needed.

Facilitation and group work


I am an experienced facilitator, and regularly run planning sessions, workshops and away days for charitable organisations, both remotely and in person. I work with trustee boards, staff groups and service users to help them collectively reflect, explore, and crystallise plans for the future.

I am informed by Gestalt approaches to group facilitation, and work creatively, inclusively and sensitively with the processes and dynamics across teams.